Monday, April 18, 2011

Just only Monday.

This past weekend was long. It seemed that it wouldn't end. And now its only Monday. I hope this weekend well go by fast. This coming weekend well be Easter I cant wait. But for now its only monday.

Friday, April 15, 2011

What a week?

How this started and ended. I came to school monday and the power was so we had to go home. And then all of the rest of the week i was sick. As for now i have only been two full days of school this week. What a wonderful week at school. This week was not that great of a week at all.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

A long Weekend

This past weekend was so long and busy. I was some where every moment of every day. Friday I went with my youth group to Little Rock. Saturday i had to go to church for my sister's baby shower. Then my mom asnd kara and Bea went to go see a movie. It as okay not what i thought. Yeah we didn't get home untill 1:30 or so. I went stright to bed when i got home. But once i got in bed i couldnt sleep. So it was about to 3 o'clock when i fell asleep. That morning i didn't want to get up to go to churrch but mom made me. Church was okay. But you see i missed half of it driving a baby around so he could sleep.

                                                  school days left(counting weekends): 52

Friday, April 8, 2011

Happy friday to you!

Happy Friday to you. Happy Friday to you. Happy Friday to all. Happy Friday to you. Hope you have a great Friday. It's the day that everyone looks for in the week. The end of a hard week at school/work. We all look for that day to go out hand have a blast, so I will wish you a happy Firday to you once more. For that it should be a happy Friday every Friday. 

                                                                                           school days left: 56

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Nothing put work. This past two days at school is nothing put work. I feel that is all we have been doing. I'm ready for school to be out and summer to be here. Work, work is all i hear from the teachers. No more work is what I say. I'm fine with easy work but its not coming down to that. It's all hard work for me. I don't get half of it anyways so why are we doing so much work!

                                                                                   School days: 58

Monday, April 4, 2011

The Weekend.

This past weekend was not have bad. I wish that the weekend was longer. But it doesn't look like it did. friday was not that bad after I got out of school. Saturday was a great day. I helped my Uncle put up this camper. Then I fell asleep out side. And now I'm burned. I hate being burned. Sunday was a normal day. After church we went over to a friend of the family. We had a great time there. Well at least I did any way. Some of us "kids" had to play with the younger ones. So we all played tag. Fun right. We all got tired and hot we stoped. Then we had to leave. I got home and went inside and fell asleep. I has a good nap untill my mom came and got me up for church. That night at church was not as bad as I thought it would have been.

                                                              School days: 59